Saturday, December 6, 2014

Hiatus over!

Hello all. My, its been ages since I've posted on here! 

I originally started writing back in August about the Angelic Pretty tea Party at Anime Revolution and meeting RinRin Doll, but somehow I never finished writing that post and lost the entire thing. I'll probably start writing about it again this week even thought it happened a number of months ago, but for now, here's a photo of RinRin and I!

I had such a great time that weekend 

Keep an eye out on my page for all sorts of adventures over the past couple of months, Lolita and Liz Lisa purchases, more of the Lolita Challenge (I'm so behind!), My small feature in the latest volume of Gothic & Lolita Bible, and all about saving for my trip to Japan!

See you soon!

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